Saturday, July 27, 2013

Germany: The Lost Chapter... Days 1, 2, and 3

Hello all! We've been having so much fun here in Germany, it's been difficult to keep up with this blog. We are now going to crunch our great experiences into a few long posts. Don't worry though, we'll keep it in easy-to-read chunks, AND we have a sleeping Cassie photo-shoot surprise somewhere in the post! 

We'll start with Day 1, flying in from Athens at 7am into Frankfurt! For once, the flight was smooth sailing in terms of luggage difficulties, and we were soon on our way into beautiful Deutschland. We landed at an early 10:30am, and met up with cousin Sandy and toured the city of Frankfurt before our 2 hour drive to Karlsruhe.

Athens to Frankfurt, here we come!

Frankfurt from the plane

Cassie and Tessa in front of the Frankfurt Opera House

Tessa, Sandy, and Susan from the back, in a really cool Frankfurt mall

After touring Frankfurt, we drove home to Karlsruhe. We took a few minutes to rest, said hello to cousin Stefan, and went to a beautiful dinner set up by Aunt Illa. There we said hello to Illa, Heinz, Alex, Michelle, and Max, and sat down to eat.

From left, back row then front: Sandra, Alex, Michelle, Cassie, Illa, Susan, Tessa. Heinz, Max, and Stefan didn't make it into the shot.

After that, we were pretty much toast. We went home to Sandy and Stefan's, and quickly went to sleep.


Germany Day 2: Relaxation and Peter-und-Paul Fest

We started off the day with a beautiful, traditional German breakfast laid out by Sandy. Our plan for the day was to relax, and then head out to a Renaissance-fest-esque festival celebrating Peter and Paul with the family. We found that we needed our German speaking skills, which were mediocre in the case of Cassie and Tessa, and almost fluent in the case of Susan, to understand the conversation around us at the festival and with our family. 
Sandy, Susan, Cassie, and Tessa at the Peter-Und-Paul fest

A slightly blurry picture of Luca, Cassie, and Tessa inside a Cathedral from the 1200's!

Susann, Pascale, Berndt, Michelle, Sandy, Cassie, and Tessa

Heinz and Alex decided to play a roadside game while we were walking the streets. It was a blast!

Stefan, Berndt, Pascale, Heinz, and Alex! They were having a drink while Max, Cassie, Max's friend, and Tessa went to a carnival next to the fest.

The day was fun, and since we'd gotten the pacific ocean flight over long ago, we weren't jet lagged. What a great day of family and festivity!


Our next few days were quiet, and we took the time to explore Germany slowly. We went to markets, took a few walks, and spent some time with the family. We don't have any great photos of this time, so I'll jump right to July 2nd, when we met up with our lovely cousin Yvonne in Ettlingen!

Tessa, Cassie, and Yvonne

Tessa, Cassie, Yvonne, and Susan

The three first cousins!
After meeting up with Yvonne, we went to the Charles Knie circus arranged for us by Thilde! We hadn't been to a circus in a VERY long time, so we weren't sure what to expect. It turned out to be one of the coolest things we'd ever seen. Exciting feats of Acrobatics, performing elephants, seals, clowns, horses, dancers and camels! We couldn't take photos inside, but below are a few outdoor photos:

Susan, Illa, Heinz, Sandy, Stefan, Thilde, Tessa, Cassie, Pascale, and Berndt

Super Circus!

And that was our day! We'll be posting the rest of our Germany days soon! 

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