Then we headed off to Ceasaria, which is a beautiful ancient seaport that was rebuilt in the 1930's as a tourist attraction. We spent a fair amount of driving time from Haifa to Ceasaria right along the Mediterranean Sea. On our way, we made a quick off road stop to the beach. The sand felt like hot plates even with shoes, so we spent the next 400-ish yards doing a weird dance of trying to step on the ground as little and as fast as possible, and yelling HOT every second until we got to the water. I thought it was kind of hilarious.
The sand was a beautiful caramel color, and even though the water was warm, it was a relief on our burning feet. The sea was had a clear aquamarine, turquoise ombre look to it. No picture could do it's beauty justice... But we took pictures anyway.
After about 20 minutes on the beach, We drove a little more, then we found Ceasaria. The ruins on and off land dated back about 2,000 years.
We watched a film about the history of Ceasaria, then we walked around the ruins, then we ate some passion fruit ice cream and pizza before we hit the road for Tel-Aviv. After of course getting lost, we arrived in Tel-Aviv, a large city along the Mediterranean sea. It reminded us of LA with the board walks, the interesting performers, and the 20,000 people on the boardwalk and beach!
It was getting late so, after getting lost for an unusually short amount of time, we headed back to Jerusalem and made a side stop to the town of Abu Gosh ten minutes outside of Jerusalem for some felafel's with hummus that Martha Stewart was talking about. It was definitely the best hummus we have ever had!
Since it was still Shabbat, the streets in Jerusalem were completely empty. We saw no cars and very few people, so we had a blast zooming through the empty streets going to Uncle Chuck and Aunt Leslie's house. We were kind of exhausted, so we told them about our adventures, then went to sleep.
Love the pictures and descriptions! Nice kitty photos too - I'm always interested in what animals "say" in other languages, so what to cats "say" in Jerusalem ?