Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A Few German Birthdays and Outings!

 Tessa at Sandi's house with KIMBA!! Alex and Michelle's little doggie :)

We took a country walk for Michelle's 
23rd birthday, with Sandi, Susie, Alex, Michelle, Tessa, Cassie and KIMBA!
Tessa and Cassie cheated and put their fitbit pedometers on KIMBA to get more miles in.

But Tessa's fell off in a wheat field, and we were lucky to find it!
Beautiful view of our birthday walk.

Heinz joined us, and Max roared up on his bike.

Cassie jumping at Sandi's

Singing Karoke with Sandi!

Mama Sandi with boys Alex and Max.

Saying goodbye to KIMBA!

Celebrating Boris's Birthday

Cassie, Thilde, Tessa, Henri, Boris, Me and Luca at the restaurant. 

 Add in Pascale, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Cousin!
Chatting with Marienne.

Kir Royale and appetizers.

Thilde with great grand daughter Sophia

3 Cousins! Girls with Luca

2 Cousins, Pascale and me

Pretty Carly

In Thilde's back yard wth Horst, Henri, Thilde & Andre

Me with beautiful Sophia

Birthday Dad with daughter Caprice, Dani, Thilde, Carly & mama Marienne, Tessa, Cassie, Pascale, Me, Sophia and her Papa Andre, Horst and Henri.

Caprice and Sophia

Ladies (Pascle, Cassie & Thilde) with identical holographic nails!

Bike ride along the Rhine with Pascale & Berndt

Cassie and Tessa along the Rhine taking a bicycle break.

Berndt, Pascale and Cassie

Fireside with Berndt, Thilde, Susie, Pascale

Add in Tessa!Tessa & Cassie in Thilde's living room, with Cassie drawing in Thilde's guest book.

Cassie's drawing in Thilde's guest book, of Tessa reclining in Thilde's living room.

Portrait in Sandi's house that Cassie may one day paint.

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