Friday, July 26, 2013

Germany Continued

We had some nice meals and family time at Sandi and Stefan's.  

 And some nice walks in the country side...
 We took a drive to Roppenheim, where Sandi and Stefan have a store, had a fun Thai lunch, then drove on to Strasbourg France for some sight-seeing.

 We stopped for coffee at a beautiful caffe', had some wonderful tea, pastry, and coffee.
 We three in front of one of the oldest buildings in Strasbourg France, right near the incredible Muenster, one of the most fascinating and unbelievable creations I have every seen.

 The majesty, size, and scope of the Muenster (cathedral) in Strasbourg is not captured in these photos.  Every stone, every part of the building, is worthy of one sitting and meditating on. 

 We drove to a little French restaurant that had absolutely fantastic food.  

Something amazing about our time in Europe has been that even at 10pm (as in the photo above) it is still light with a blue sky.  It makes it easy to stay out late, eat late, and be with friends and family until late.  When it is light out until almost 11pm, more fun is had by all!!

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