Friday, August 2, 2013

Road Trip to Northern Israel

Cassie here, Yesterday we packed our belongings for a two night road trip to Tiberias, Safed, Haifa, Caesaria, and Tel Aviv. We spent the morning and afternoon with Uncle Chuck, Aunt Leslie, and a special visitor: Cousin Akiva!

Akiva and I

 We had a lovely breakfast on the porch overlooking Jerusalem, then Akiva and I played soccer before going for lunch. Finally at about 4:00 we began our trip up north, which had beautiful Middle Eastern desert sights with rolling sandy hills, the Dead Sea, and...Camels!!!

A real, parked camel! The owner came over to pet it, so we had to scoot a little bit after this picture was taken. Still, this camel was awesome!

Rolling desert hills

Palm tree farms were surprisingly common

A sight of Jordan from our Israel road

 On the road, we were stopped by an female Israeli border guard. When we asked what the stop was about, we were told were were re-entering Israel after having been driving in Palestine for the last 60 miles or so. We had been driving just beside the short barbed wire fence between Jordan and Israel for many miles. Cool! Tessa and I got to add Palestine to the list of countries we have visited. Later on, we passed close by Lebanon. We didn't realize that we would be driving in Palestine, or how that we would be a stones throw away from other middle eastern countries on our road trip. Finally, we arrived at the Kibbutz  and checked into the room. For those of you who don't know, a Kibbutz is a family centered commune traditionally centered on farming. Ours was best known for their water filtration system, and they also produce organic toys. Our room was spartan, but clean and nice. Here is the obligatory "Cassie is sleeping" photo, since that seems to be tradition now!

I apparently sleep like an angel kitty. 

The outside view of our room

The walkway, where apparently free Peacocks frequent. We could hear their calls all night!

And that was our second day in Israel. It's hard to believe that this is our 10th day of travel.

We enjoy sharing our adventures with you, and we love to read your comments!

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