Saturday, August 3, 2013

Next Day in Jerusalem

From Tessa

After a nightime plane flight to Israel, we landed in Jerusalem at 10:30 PM. We were so tired, but excited to meet up with Dad and sleep in an actual bed! We calculated that in the past 34 hours, we slept for only 7 or 8 hours of it, and those were only on a plane. We met Dad and Uncle Chuck at the airport, and went to Uncle Chuck and Aunt Leslie's house. After a nice long sleep, we awoke to the sounds, the sights, and the smells of Jerusalem! We walked through the Arab Shuck (market) to get to the walled city, and eventually the Western Wall. We took a tour of the Arches and caverns beneath the wall, and it was astonishing to see the feats of architecture accomplished so long ago. After emerging from our fantastic tour, we did an audio tour describing the history of the Jews through carved glass sculptures. We then went up and touched the western wall, putting our paper wishes or prayers in any crevice we could find.

Cassie, Dad, Me, Uncle Chuck, and Aunt Leslie in the walled city!

Our hands on the Western Wall on the underground tour

The Western Wall

Cassie and I in front of the Western Wall after putting our prayers into a crevice of the wall

Pictures from our tour of carved glass!

After exploring these ancient sights, we grabbed a falafel sandwich and went home to prepare for dinner. Our cousin Binyamin came over, and we got up and walked to our amazing, beautiful, mangificent, awesome cousin Andrea's house (wink wink, Andrea!). It was great seeing Yosef, Akiva, Ayden, and Elisha again! 

Cassie, Tessa, Yosef, and Binyamin
Group picture!

Cassie, Mom, Me, and Dad

Yummy dinner

Dinner was amazing, and after a few adjustments from Dad, we walked home. It was great catching up with the family! 


To see more, click the "older posts" button!


  1. Beautiful photographic telling of where you've been and what you've experienced and seen so far. Whoever is taking the pics is doing a great job, not to mention the writer who is chronicling your days and nights a 1/2 world away. Treasure the moments.


  2. Hello there ladies. This is your amazing, beautiful, mangificent, awesome cousin Andrea checking in :) .... Magnificent is a new one, think I'm gonna have to steal this new tagline in it's entirety. Like Gorgeous Aunt Beth!

    You guys really got some nice photos, don't you just love that view? I never get sick of it.

    I am so glad you put Israel on your trip and look forward to spending more time together this week.
