Monday, August 5, 2013

Post from Tessa! Our whirlwind tour of England

Saturday, June 15th

London, Bath, Wiltshire, Cotswald Commons, Stratford pon Avon

    Hello! Tessa here. So as many of you saw, I got lost on the Tube yesterday. If you haven't seen that post yet, scroll beyond this one and take a peek! It was quite the crazy experience, but I got to meet some wonderful Londoners while lost who were very helpful. So, now on to today: We started off waking up at 5am after going to sleep at 12am that morning. That brought our total of sleep since Thursday up to about 10 hours altogether! Mom booked this amazing tour that explored more than just London while we were in England. The tour was to take us to Stratford pon Avon (Shakespeare's birthplace), Bath, Cotswald Commons, and finally, Stonehenge, totaling about 12 hours.  After a nice morning walk to our meeting place for the tour, we headed on our way!

    First stop (after a two hour drive) was Stratford pon Avon, where we got to explore Shakespeare's family home, and eat scones with jam and clotted cream while watching scenes from Shakespeare's plays! The actors were fantastic, and we got a picture with them afterwards. It was a fun thing to see the actual town, that is essentially dedicated to inserting facets of Shakespeare's life in every part of what they do, whether it be street signs or the "Anne Hathaway Hotel"!

Headquarters of the ROYAL SHAKESPEARE COMPANY! *fangirls*

About to enter Shakespeare's Birthplace

Me in front of Shakespeare's house

Posing with the actors who perform at Shakespeare's home

This was taken right before a live statue actor guy tried to kiss me! Yech... Still, it was funny!

Obligatory Telephone Booth picture!

This just about says it all :)

    Next, we drove another couple of hours to the town of Bath, which is known for it's natural springs and healthful atmosphere. The time was cut a bit short because of traffic, so we didn't explore the ancient Roman bathhouses. Instead, we explored the shops and ate lunch at a cafe! Something we've noticed while eating here in Europe: Not only is almost everything we eat healthy, but it's FOOD, real food! No matter what we've ordered, even takeout from the Turkish restaurant down the road, everything has tasted like the best food I've ever had. So, to finish off the Bath tour, we explored Bath Abbey, an AMAZING church that was designed beautifully. And off we were, to drive through Cotswald Commons! That itself was rather uneventful, as we didn't stop to look at anything, but driving past the landscape was priceless. Next, we were off to Stonehenge!

Walking the streets of Bath

In Bath Abbey, Bath

    Stonehenge has been a personal bucket list item for me ever since I've had a bucket list! The mystique surrounding the place, along with the feat of ancient architecture, has always fascinated us. It was just as amazing as we could have hoped! Unfortunately, as we didn't have our luggage by then, our coats were thin and the weather was cold, windy, and rainy. Still, occasional bursts of sun made for a beautiful sight! Here are the pictures that we took:

    Now, we're back at home, having had a wonderful dinner of Turkish takeout yet again. I could live off of the food from that restaurant! We're also watching Elf :). Luggage update: Mom and Cassie's luggage arrived at our hotel before we got back, so that's good! Unfortunately, my luggage is still wandering around in some airport somewhere, and we're trying to track it down before we head to Israel in 2 days! Oh well. Tomorrow we're jumping on a hop-on hop-off bus to explore central London! Can't wait!

Watching Elf and eating dinner!

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